Friday 2 September 2011

Danny & Daisy: 1 Week to Go. Whiskey or Apple Juice? Cigarettes or Herbal Crap?

Right, so this summer I graduated. 2:1 honors, BA Film, University of Southampton, whatever. I attempted the whole looking for a job thing for a while, managed to get something with REAL fundraising. Ended after a week. So that went well.

All through this blood-sweatn'-tears job hunt I was slowly but surely doing preproduction for my third short film, 'Danny & Daisy'. Even though I was technically unemployed, it sure as hell didn't feel like it, and still doesn't, especially with a week to go and whatnot.

I'd describe 'Danny & Daisy' as an LGBT art film. It's about two young people fed up with today's socially constructed gender and sexual norms. The film follows their journey from the dark place of trying to conform to finally breaking boundaries and becoming themselves.

Producing a film is the most soul destroying thing I've ever encountered in my life. Yet, as a piss-broke emerging (or something) filmmaker, I have no choice but to produce my own stuff. It's the writing and directing I love, which makes the producing worthwhile. And obviously there's the end product. But yes, it has taken 3 months to produce a 30 minute short film.

Over the summer I've auditioned actors, rehearsed them, bought props and costumes with whatever money I could lay my hands on (no looting, yet), scouted for locations, written and re-written the script, organized filming equipment, confirmed a crew and now with a week to go I think I've done everything. Almost everything.

Now with little left to-do (I'll probably realise a million things I haven't yet done tomorrow), I've found myself facing an ethical dilemma. Is it okay, or rather politically correct, to feed my actors whiskey and cigarettes during filming in search for an authentic effect? I myself am no new-comer to the world of Cigarettes & Alcohol (oh Oasis, I love you), but is it really cool to make my cast drink booze at about 8am just so I can get an authentic reaction out of them? Way back when I had my first cigarette, I remember it being addictive straight away (should insert a 'not proud of this habit' here somewhere). Will I be responsible for my cast's future empty-wallets and cigarette-craving tantrums? Their, god-forbid, cancerous lungs? I mean there are alternatives... Apple juice. Looks like whiskey. Doubt it'll make them gasp out of disgust though... Herbal fags? Now these might actually be worth it. I don't even know what they are, my friend Robbie (Danny) suggested them as an alternative. He is the one who sprung me in this ethical hurdle.

Something to ponder over the next few days. 7 days to go. God help me.

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